When the police arrive, make sure you tell the investigating officer(s) exactly what happened, to the best of your ability. If you do not know certain facts, tell that to the officer. Do not speculate, guess or misstate any of the facts. If you are asked if you are injured and you are not sure, say you are not sure, rather than no. Often, the pain and injuries from motor vehicle accidents become apparent hours after the actual collision. You should also make sure statements made by other persons involved in the accident are accurate as well.
This police or accident report will also make sure the other driver may not try and backtrack on their story later. He may even claim injuries that weren’t apparent at the scene of the accident. This means that your insurance company may end up paying him a hefty settlement, or worse yet, you could be dragged into a lawsuit. It’s not uncommon for an at fault drive to want to keep insurance out of it so that their premiums don’t increase. They may even try and offer to pay for your damages in cash. Don’t fall into this trap.
Make sure that your company has your version of what happened (after you have consulted an attorney) and check your policy if the damages paid out by your insurance company are below a certain amount, the accident may not be considered chargeable. And you will avoid the penalty of a premium hike.
If possible, try and note the names of any tow company or ambulance/EMT that is involved at the accident scene. They may obtain evidence that could be a crucial part of your case later.
Contact The Law Office of Christopher German 720-675-8070 and become armed with the facts and details you need. We will come to you, your home, your office or the hospital, if necessary.
You’ll be glad you did!